
Sudbury 1-800-899-9136

Sudbury Stand-Up Comedy Shows

Show Calendar

May 2023
Wed May 31
Wed May 31

Sean Collins 9:30pm in Chelmsford

uk Yuk's Sudbury is pleased to present International Comedy Star Sean Collins!!!-- returning to Canada and making a stop in Sudbury for one night only! Wednesday May 31st at Overtime Bar & Grill's 2 locations
Show times- 7 p.m. in Sudbury 
                     9:30 p.m. in Chelmsford

Originally from Ottawa and now residing in England- Sean has been nominated for 2 Canadian Comedy Awards  appeared on Just For Laughs Gala. Had his own Comics and Comedy Now Special . Appeared on 5 Comedy Store tv shows and the Michael McIntyre Comedy Roadshow on BBC
His story telling is second to none!!

Also featuring at the show- MC Wafik Nasralla
A seasoned comic, Wafik has been performing standup for over 25 years and has had his very own special on CTV's 'Comedy Now!'. On his first tour of the UK, Wafik saw that tour extended by 7 weeks due to popular demand. He was interviewed on BBC radio and also won 2 comedy competitions. Wafik describes himself hilariously as one of the funniest one-eyed, Egyptian-Canadian comedians on the planet! View Full Bio
9:30 PM Wed May 31